Our first application got knocked back, the reason being somebody else had already put an application in for it. What made it even worse is we went to see some other places and realised what great value it was and still remains the favourite place we have seen by far.
The whole rental system works differently to home, one application at one time so a real estate agency making a stuff up and accepting two at the same time is a big no no. This big no no has worked in our favour they have driven us around Edinburgh showing us all sorts of places outside of our price range that they think they can get the land lord to accept at a lower price (with the 6 month rent in advance thing). We have put in another application on a place we saw today and we should get a call in the morning, the landlord has to accept 50 pounds a month less but gets his 6 months rent in advance. If that fails we think we will go for the first place we saw with the fantastic view, we have seen some pretty dingy places the last few days and even considered one because of its size and location. You would never want to cook anything for fear of getting poisoned in the darkest dingiest kitchen ever (even worse then the back of the pancake parlour for all the meter readers reading this). Anyway we held out went back to the real estate agent who had been so helpful yet stuffed us around and they took us to this other place, a little bit further out then we would like and no view to speak of but it is a really nice place on the inside, 25 minute walk into the centre of the city and comes with a parking spot in case I buy a motor bike or small car as they seem so cheap over here. Although I really do want a bike, I’m thinking a touring BMW as a shaft drive would be good, would hate to break a chain on a long trip. Also touring parts of Europe on a motorbike would make this a much more Toby like adventure
What makes life extra fun at the moment is the flu like symptoms I have developed. Yay, my head weighs a tonne, my nose runs and my throat is sore, after going to two chemists we found night and day cold and flu tablets (not big over here) which helped me sleep, just a shame I don’t have time to be sick, have to keep on house hunting and will be going back to Margaret’s house full of cats which will make me even sicker in a few days.
Why does everyone think only Dot writes on this, this is my third entry, I know as a couple she brings the writing talent to the relationship but I still contribute *pointing at Dicko and Virtue*.
We are both pretty sick of the hostel room, so much so we decided to go to the Simpsons movie yesterday, it was pretty entertaining. The only touristy thing we have done in the last week is going to the Scottish National Museum, good museum just needs allot more time than we had to look through it, once the house is organised we plan to go and do some of the fringe festival things that makes Edinburgh so famous.
The whole rental system works differently to home, one application at one time so a real estate agency making a stuff up and accepting two at the same time is a big no no. This big no no has worked in our favour they have driven us around Edinburgh showing us all sorts of places outside of our price range that they think they can get the land lord to accept at a lower price (with the 6 month rent in advance thing). We have put in another application on a place we saw today and we should get a call in the morning, the landlord has to accept 50 pounds a month less but gets his 6 months rent in advance. If that fails we think we will go for the first place we saw with the fantastic view, we have seen some pretty dingy places the last few days and even considered one because of its size and location. You would never want to cook anything for fear of getting poisoned in the darkest dingiest kitchen ever (even worse then the back of the pancake parlour for all the meter readers reading this). Anyway we held out went back to the real estate agent who had been so helpful yet stuffed us around and they took us to this other place, a little bit further out then we would like and no view to speak of but it is a really nice place on the inside, 25 minute walk into the centre of the city and comes with a parking spot in case I buy a motor bike or small car as they seem so cheap over here. Although I really do want a bike, I’m thinking a touring BMW as a shaft drive would be good, would hate to break a chain on a long trip. Also touring parts of Europe on a motorbike would make this a much more Toby like adventure
What makes life extra fun at the moment is the flu like symptoms I have developed. Yay, my head weighs a tonne, my nose runs and my throat is sore, after going to two chemists we found night and day cold and flu tablets (not big over here) which helped me sleep, just a shame I don’t have time to be sick, have to keep on house hunting and will be going back to Margaret’s house full of cats which will make me even sicker in a few days.
Why does everyone think only Dot writes on this, this is my third entry, I know as a couple she brings the writing talent to the relationship but I still contribute *pointing at Dicko and Virtue*.
We are both pretty sick of the hostel room, so much so we decided to go to the Simpsons movie yesterday, it was pretty entertaining. The only touristy thing we have done in the last week is going to the Scottish National Museum, good museum just needs allot more time than we had to look through it, once the house is organised we plan to go and do some of the fringe festival things that makes Edinburgh so famous.
1 comment:
I miss you too daddy and mummy, but I am being brave. Beasty g'ma has me walking beautifully on a chest lead and I do not splutter for attention any more. Off to bawley Pt this morn which will be nicer for a walk as 10 is the expected here. Must say I did not like the Frontline she put on me!
Cuddles from your mulchy mattered baby
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