Before I do an entry to update everyone on all the Edinburgh excitement we've been having lately I'm going to put some pictures up that I promised my father recently - an idea of the views and buildings that I've been seeing every day, as I go about the usual business of working, lunching, gymming, etc. Just something a bit different to the usual tourist snapshots.

This a shot of the roofs of the New Town all the way down to the Firth of Forth, as seen from the top of Hanover Street near my work. The photo absolutely doesn't do this amazing view justice...I really love it and always take a moment in the mornings to appreciate it.

Thistle Street, where my office (with the dark grey doorway) is (complete with a couple of colleagues taking their early morning smoko). If I'd taken this photo 6 weeks ago it would have been free of scaffolding and industrial waste bins. Oh well. Considering we live in a fairly new development I love that I work on such an old cobbly laneway. In the other direction Thistle Street is full of pubs, restaurants and some very fancy boutiques. A nice spot for window shopping.

One thing I truly love about Edinburgh is how you can walk past the same building or spot day after day and then suddenly you see it from a different angle and it takes your breath away. This building here is one I walked past at least twice a day for weeks, always thinking it was a fancy kitchenware shop (which it is). Then one day I happened to look up as I was coming out of a deli on the opposite corner and realised that it's actually the old Society of Edinburgh building, and quite magnificent even without the fancy silicon muffin tins. Cool.

The two places where I normally buy my lunch. Henderson's is an Edinburgh institution, a vegetarian place that's been around since the 1970s. I'm pretty sure it's still the same menu - there are some very daggy things like spinach burgers and felafel in there. Next door you can get brilliant soup for the bargain price of 1.60 a cup.

Once I've bought my daggy lunch I normally walk back down Hanover Street to the Princes Street Gardens. The day I took my camera I had this little thing for company which was just too cute for words.

This is my usual spot for lunch, if it's a fine day, where I can eat and read the paper and (hopefully) finish the sudoku as well. When there are no benches left I usually sit on the concrete steps under the statue. I have featured in several tourists' snapshots of the statue, trying to keep myself nice by not flashing too much leg or having a big mouthful of sandwich.
After work I generally get the bus to the gym. This is the view from the bus stop on Princes Street, down into the gardens. Beats Civic bus interchange, that's for sure. You can also see the castle from this spot (well, from almost anywhere in Edinburgh really).

We might have shown this one before...on the way back from the gym we pass Dalry Cemetary, a lovely old overgrown place which I still love the look of. I don't know who lives in the house, it could be caretakers but from the look of the graves they don't take a whole lot of care.
Next installment will be a bit more newsworthy, I promise.
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