We ate our meals looking at this view.
...luckily the views made up for the minor panic attack...
...but the lack of food and air conditioning down the bottom did not make us happy.
We played some outdoor pool, overlooking the ocean. And fell in love with the outdoor settings you can see in the background.
We had some tropical storms including a small earthquake which was promptly followed by two rings on the phone in our room. A new tsunami warning system? We will never know.
And we showed a disgusting amount of affection in public, as per usual. It was a magical week and we were not ready to leave. Ever.
But all too soon we were flying back into Sydney, driving back to Canberra, setting up our house, getting to know our dog again, seeing all our loved ones, and going back to work. I don't have to say how strange that process was, with its reverse culture shock and overwhelming sense of normality after the past three months. I will make two more posts, a motorcycling around Europe must do list, in case anyone is inspired by our awesomeness, and a rather sweet postscript, and after that...well who knows.
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